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The system industry in Greater Bergen takes an active part in the transition towards more renewable energy. The region provides an innovative labour force, comprehensive knowledge bases and a network of collaborative firms, all key to achieving Norway's climate and export goals.

Western region’s system industry to the rescue

With a turnover of NOK 37 billion, the system industry in Greater Bergen is a vital part of the Norwegian value creation. Their focus is now increasingly turning from serving the oil and gas sector, to more future-based and sustainable activity.

The term “system industry” is a multidisciplinary field of designing, integrating, and managing complex systems of machinery and equipment for industrial use. As a key energy producer this industry is important in our region. Around 130 companies employ close to 12,000 people, with an average value creation of over 3 million NOK per employee, shows a new report commissioned from the industry and conducted by EY.

For further statistics you can download a Norwegian version of the report here, with an analysis of the industry’s potential and challenge.


Greater Bergen: A hub for new value chains

The oil- and gas sector is still important in the Western region value creation and the investments are expected to increase further in the short term. However, it is crucial for the system industry to capitalize on the emerging opportunities in green markets.

In the transition towards more renewable energy, these companies are also a key to achieving Norway's climate and export goals.

The report concludes Norway is well positioned for such a transition, highlighting sectors like offshore wind, CCS and CCSU and new fuels like ammonia, hydrogen, and battery technology.  Greater Bergen is currently crucial in developing facilities for CCSU technology and are rigging for production of both hydrogen and ammonia. Along with the region’s key infrastructure and facilities, Greater Bergen supplies a highly innovative labour force, comprehensive knowledge bases and a network of collaborative firms.

Several of the companies in these fields are located in 19 hubs identified in Grøn region Vestland’s Vestlandsporteføljen 2.0, which is a Masterplan for transforming the region by securing future growth and reduce emissions.

Can your company fill some gaps in the new value chains? If you are interested in knowing more, Invest in Bergen can help you to settle in our region. Please contact any of our advisors.

Vestland's masterplan for regional transformation has identified 19 hubs where you find many of the region' s system industry companies who currently work to seize the emerging opportunities in green markets.
Created 30/04/2024 Author Charlotte Lem

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